Monthly Archives: July 2015

Progress Update

A totally non-related picture. I just love sheds.

A totally non-related picture. I just love sheds.

The past year has seen some good progress, but not of the variety worthy of sharing here. The reality is that I have been knee deep in Ethics applications, working on my PhD literature review and working as a sessional tutor in a related subject.

Further exciting updates are dependant on:

1. Securing funding to build the second iteration of the virtual ward. This will include an in-depth set of clinical / behavioural pathways forming a longer clinical story for the student to explore;

2. Approval of the ethics application for the research, and;

3. Getting the research / data collection completed in the first half of 2016

Thanks to a great suggestion from my supervisors (thanks Linda, Moira and Patrea), I’ve also started documenting in more depth the process of my research. A first step in this is the proposed establishment of a podcast looking at the intersection of technology, health and education. Titled Future Static, it will take a very in-depth look, with extensive interviews, at particular topics in the area.

When the first episode is completed prior to the end of the year, it will be posted here, or you can go to the standalone podcast website here.